Friday, March 16, 2012

BULLY. "Everything Starts With One And Builds Up..."

“Bully,” the documentary, follows three victims of bullying, and two families of children (Tyler Long, 17, and Ty Smalley, 11) who committed suicide after abuse at the hands of their peers.

Note:  the bullying it documents (and its aftermath) is hard to watch, even in the trailer, and the frustration of everyone involved (except the bullying children) is palpable.

“Bully,” won’t be in theaters until March 30. And it currently has an "R" rating.

But you can watch “Speak Up” with your children on Sunday night March 18 (commercial-free) at 5:30 p.m. on the Cartoon Network, and online. President Obama will deliver an opening message, and CAEPV National Advisory Board Member Rosalind Wiseman, a bullying prevention expert and author of “Queen Bees and Wannabes,” will be available online before, during and after the showing to answer questions. Its proactive stance, delivered by a television network that many children know and love, is a great place to start or continue a conversation about bullying. And while it may be optimistic, “Speak Up” doesn’t shy away from the complexity of bullying.

To quote the film BULLY - 'Everything starts with one (speaking up) and builds up."  I hope you will join me in being part of the conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the film - thanks for the heads up!
