Thursday, October 22, 2009


Start Strong is a partnership of CAEPV Member Blue Shield of California Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. How fitting during October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month to start the largest-ever national initiative to reach out to 11-14 year olds to promote healthy relationships and prevent abusive ones. . before they start!

On October 22nd, we are on a national mission to define a healthy relationship. It’s urgent, and we need YOUR input. Too many people are finding themselves in violent, abusive and damaging relationships. By looking at what a healthy relationship is — how to have them, build them and keep them — we can end abuse.

Be a part of this RECORD BREAKING day. Start Strong’s goal is to get as many people as we can across the country (teens, adults, parents, grandparents, anyone and everyone!) to tell us what they think about healthy relationships.

Below are ways that you can participate on October 22nd. A few minutes of your time can make a lasting difference in someone’s life.

1- Help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends and family.
2- Go to and give us your relationship feedback. We need to know what you know.
3- IMPORTANT! Post a conversation starter to your Facebook ( or Twitter profile. This will have a major impact. For example:

(insert name) how do you start strong? Join the conversation

(insert name) is on a mission to define a healthy relationship. Join the conversation

(insert name) is wondering how do you define a healthy relationship. Tell us how to Start Strong before it ends wrong

Thank you for doing your part to make sure that violence and abuse are never tolerated.

The Start Strong Community

Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships is the largest initiative ever funded to target 11-to-14-year-olds and rally entire communities to promote healthy relationships as the way to prevent teen dating violence and abuse. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Blue Shield of California Foundation are investing in communities across the country to discover the most promising pathways to stop dating violence and abuse before it starts.

Learn more about us at

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