Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dealing with Batterers in the Workplace - Webinar Follow Up

On Tuesday, May 12, we had a "all seats taken" for our webinar on "Dealing with Batterers in the Workplace." This is one in our series of S2: Safer, Smarter Workplace webinars.

Not only was the webinar full, but people were sharing "virtual seats" with three, four or five people participating in the webinar sharing one computer and phone line so as many folks as possible could participate.

We had a great line up:

- Tim Parker, Manager of Corporate Security, L.L. Bean (Employer Perspective)

- Dan Fallon, Health Promotion and Wellness Consultant, CIGNA (EAP Perspective)

- Juan Ramos, Senior Program Director, Domestic Violence Accountability Program, Safe Horizon (Batterer's Program Perspective)

There were a lot of text chat questions and this webinar was a great start to discuss this truly important and difficult issue.

If you could not be there, we have the next best thing for you. The audio and video recording of the webinar is available at at

The materials and downloads for the webinar are available at

While this discussion in no way "solves" this very difficult issue for employers, it certainly opens a path for discussion and consideration.

Please feel free to dial into the webinar and download the materials! Also note the other materials that CAEPV has available to assist you as you look at these issues - they are also available directly from this page.

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