Friday, November 14, 2008

Fortune Magazine November 24, 2008 Issue Addresses Domestic Violence

The November 24, 2008, issue of Fortune magazine contains an article titled "Domestic Violence: Corporate America’s struggle to confront the issue." Fortune is the first such business magazine to cover the issue in this way, and they are to be congratulated for the time and effort taken to put a human face on this business issue.

Great thanks to the writer, Betsy Morris, for her tireless efforts. Coverage includes CAEPV members Allstate, Liz Claiborne, Safe Horizon, Verizon Wireless, and the Sam Walton School of Business at the University of Arkansas.

Above all, the stories of those who have survived (and not survived) domestic violence are told. The online version of the article will be available the week of November 17.

Pick it up, or read it online, and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Online version is now available at
