Friday, June 20, 2008

Rutgers University Awards First Verizon Wireless Hopeline Scholarships to Graduate Students Assisting Victims of Domestic Violence

I know it seems like I am writing a lot lately about Verizon Wireless, but it is just because they do a lot of cool things!

Rupa Khetarpal and Amanda Mathisen recently completed studies at Rutgers University School of Social Work where they were named 2008 VerizonWireless HopeLine(R) Scholars. Funded by a $100,000 Verizon Wireless grant, the Verizon Wireless HopeLine Scholarship Fund was created in conjunction with the Center on Violence Against Women & Children to recognize outstanding Rutgers University graduate students enrolled in the Master of Social Work (MSW)specialization on violence against women and children, the first such program in the country.

The Verizon Wireless donation was made possible through the company's HopeLine phone recycling program, which collects no-longer-used wirelessphones at its Communications Stores throughout New Jersey and nationwide.The phones are refurbished, recycled or sold and the proceeds are used toprovide wireless phones and cash grants to local shelters and non-profit organizations that focus on domestic violence prevention and awareness. Phones that cannot be refurbished are disposed of in an environmentallysound manner. Verizon Wireless was the first wireless carrier in the nation to collect and recycle old cell phones and has done so since January 1999, first in New Jersey and then across the U.S.

Nationally, the HopeLine program has collected more than 4.5 million wireless phones and givennearly $5 million in cash grants to domestic violence preventionorganizations. In addition to a successful phone recycling program and funding fornon-profit domestic violence prevention organizations, HopeLine includes free wireless service and voice mailboxes for survivors, community and corporate awareness initiatives, and a bilingual "Invest in Yourself"program designed to help survivors re-enter the workforce.

HopeLine phone donations also are accepted at all Verizon Wireless Communications Stores For store locations and additional information, visit

We are really so proud to have both Rutgers University School of Social Work and Verizon Wireless as CAEPV members!

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