Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Most Dangerous Time

It is so important that people understand the dangerous time for victims of domestic violence is often when they decide to leave or have left the relationship.

In cases of homicide related to domestic violence; 75% of the time it is when the victim is leaving or has left the abuser.

Leaving is potentially VERY dangerous for a victim – this must be kept in mind and communicated to victims -- whether they are employees or friends.

Once again in our community a woman was killed this week when she told her boyfriend that she wanted out of the relationship. He had been very abusive in the past, and when she finally determined this time to go, he determined to kill her.

This was especially chilling to me, because I had just finished doing a presentation earlier in the day at one of our member companies talking about how to help a friend or loved one who is in an abusive relationship, and one of the things I emphasized was the fact of the danger involved in leaving.

And then I came back to work and found out that Ms. Wallace -- mother of five-- had been killed with a kitchen knife by a man who allegedly loved her.

If you need help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 -- don't go it alone.

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