Friday, July 15, 2005

Companies Support Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act

The Avon Foundation -- The Avon Foundation continues their "Speak Out Against Domestic Violence" campaign with "Speak Out Against Domestic Violence - Let Congress Hear Your Voice!" They are encouraging individuals to join Salma Hayek and Avon in the campaign to raise awareness and Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. Anyone can stop by the Avon Let's Talk Beauty Tour and sign a card that will be shared with Congress supporting the reauthorization of VAWA. The Avon Let's Talk Beauty Tour will collect signature Cards in support of VAWA all summer and fall until the bill is passed, and will present these petition cards to Congress. In addition, on July 19, Avon Foundation President Kathleen Walas will accompany Salma Hayek to Washington DC as Ms. Hayek testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of VAWA.

Lifetime Television -- Lifetime Television has an Action Center in the Stop Violence Against Women Section of their website at to explain how individuals can become involved in the reauthorization of VAWA. Lifetime has also created FREE stickers for the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence to distribute -- and an email postcard is in the works that can be used to encourage people to contact their Members of Congress and urge them to vote for reauthorization. If you would like stickers, you can contact Cheryl O’Donnell at NNEDV at (202) 543-5566.

Liz Claiborne Inc. -- CEO Paul R. Charron wrote a letter to Senator Arlen Specter, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, encouraging reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Quoting from a portion of his letter, Mr. Charron said, "Domestic violence is a high priority concern for Liz Claiborne Inc. It not only impacts us as a business, as we experience the consequences of domestic violence on our employees, but it affects us on a personal level as well. We are a member of the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence and have spearheaded a company-wide campaign to fight domestic violence. Liz Claiborne Inc. offers an environment of support in the workplace, where we can accommodate flexible hours for domestic violence victims to seek safety and protection."

Mary Kay Inc. -- Mary Kay Independent National Sales Directors drove their pink Cadillacs in front of the Capitol Building to symbolize the strong commitment of Mary Kay Inc. and its 650,000 Independent Beauty Consultants in the U.S. to ending domestic violence and enhancing the original bill. The National Sales Directors wore their purple national sales director suits by St. John -- fitting because purple also is the color that is symbolic of the fight against domestic violence. "Renewal of this legislation is critical if our nation is to continue to improve the criminal and civil judicial response to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking," said Anne Crews, vice president of government relations at Mary Kay (Anne Crews is also vice president of CAEPV's Board of Directors). "One in three women in the U.S. today will be the victim of violence during her lifetime."

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