The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence (CAEPV) is participating in Liz Claiborne Inc.’s sixth annual It’s Time to Talk Day -- a day dedicated to ensuring that Americans speak-up about a subject that most people simply prefer not to discuss — domestic violence. We are proud to have been involved in this event since the beginning!
It’s Time to Talk Day events will be held nationwide, including at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC with Attorney General Eric Holder and Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
CAEPV will be participating in a “Talk Radio Row” on domestic violence at Liz Claiborne headquarters in New York. Major partners for this year’s event include The Department of Justice, CBS Evening News, REDBOOK, Seventeen, DoSomething.org, one, MTV, the Joyful Heart Foundation, Talkers Magazine and Talk Radio News Service. For more information visit http://www.loveisnotabuse.com/.
And don't forget to take a moment to talk in your life!
If the statistics are glaring and the results obvious why haven't we been successful in bridging the gap of 70% of companies that do not have workplace violence prevention policies?
Unfortunately it is the result of a very simple phrase. . ."It can't happen here." Employers too often believe "this won't happen in my kind of workplace with my kind of employees."
Interestingly, in the Bureau of Labor Statistics study, even companies that HAD had a workplace violence incident in the past year, many had not implimented policies within the following year.
It is our job to help companies see it is in their enlightened self interest to do this before something happens.
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